Many are unaware, but there is a shortcut that allows PC owners or Windows 10 tablets to divide their screen in two to simultaneously run two applications side by side by side.
A practical feature to copy/paste a text from a web page to a Word document, but also to watch a film while sorting your emails, read a text while responding to messages in Messenger or Whatsapp or control your Spotify Playlist everythingBy surfing on the web.
A simple shortcut
If it is possible to do so manually, a keyboard shortcut allows you to greatly simplify the task. Pour ce faire, il suffit d’appuyer simultanément sur les touches Windows + flèche gauche, pour choisir une fenêtre à déplacer sur la gauche de l’écran, et Windows + flèche droite pour remplir la droite de l’écran.A shortcut that will save you a lot of time if you memorize it.
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