
Face to face between Android 5.0 Lollipop and iOS 8 in video and photos!

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Face to face between Android 5.0 Lollipop and iOS 8 in video and photos!
  • By electronics-phone

Google has just announced its new Android 5 system.0 lollipop.A few weeks ago, the manufacturer Apple also unveiled its iOS 8 system by offering the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus for sale.The first terminals operating under Lollipop also enter the market so it's time to take stock between the two systems.The YouTube Adrian Isén makes a very complete video presenting the differences between the two bones (it is in English on the other hand).Under the video, also find some screenshots of the two interfaces made by Tom's Guide.Do not forget to go consult our article presenting the Easter Egg of Android Lollipop.

Chargement de la vidéo… (voir sur Dailymotion)Chargement du sondage, veuillez patienter. Les sondages sont pour le moment indisponibles sur l'application smartphone d'Hitek.

More complete interface on lollipop

The keyboard is much more refined on Lollipop

Google Now vs Siri

Management of open applications


Very similar locking screen

Setting rapides

Notification screen


Face à face entre Android 5.0 lollipop et iOS 8 en vidéo et photos !