
Correction of the high user use by the STEAM customer priming program under Windows 11/10

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Correction of the high user use by the STEAM customer priming program under Windows 11/10
  • By electronics-phone

The Steam client initiation is an essential component of the Steam client.He runs in the background and ensures that all dependencies are in their place so that the Steam client can update without interruption.It is normal for the Steam client's client to have high use of the processor when you update and install games via the Steam client.But some users have reported that the Bootstrapper customer steam has high user use even if the Steam client is inactive.In this article, we will see some solutions to correct the high use of the processor by the STEAM Customer Program Professor Problem on Windows 11/10 computers.

What causes 100 % use of the Windows 11/10 processor?

When you perform heavy tasks on Windows 11/10, processor consumption is generally high.Certain heavy tasks include reading heavy graphic video games, the execution of video editing software, the execution of an antivirus analysis, etc..CHKDSK, SFC and DISM analyzes, update of your device drivers, deactivation of Windows Search Indexer, etc..

Correction of the high user use by the STEAM customer priming program under Windows 11/10

Sometimes the restart of a computer solves the problems.Therefore, before making the correction described in this article, we suggest that you restart our system and see if it solves the problem.You can also try to analyze your system with good antivirus and antimalware software.If the Steam client's client priming program always displays a high use of the processor, try the solutions described below:

  1. Lancer l’analyse SFC
  2. Désactiver la superposition Steam
  3. Mettez à jour ou réinstallez votre pilote GPU
  4. Désactiver la diffusion dans Steam
  5. Exécutez la réparation Steam
  6. Définissez votre skin par défaut
  7. Changer la fenêtre Steam en bibliothèque

Let's see how to make these fixes.

1]Lancer l’analyse SFC

Correction of the high user use by the STEAM customer priming program under Windows 11/10

Sometimes the computer displays high use of the processor and RAM when some system files are corrupted.If this is your case, the execution of a SFC analysis can solve the problem.The system file verifier is an automated Microsoft tool that analyzes your system looking for corrupt system files and corrects them.

2]Désactiver la superposition de vapeur

Many users have found that Steam Overlay was the guilty of the problem.To check if this is your case, you can deactivate the Steam Overlay feature.Follow the instructions explained below:

  1. Lancez le client Steam.
  2. Cliquez sur Fumer en haut à gauche, puis sélectionnez Réglages.
  3. Maintenant, sélectionnez En jeu du volet de gauche.
  4. Désélectionnez le Activer la superposition Steam pendant le jeu case à cocher.
  5. Cliquez sur OK pour enregistrer les modifications.

Now check if the problem persists.

3]Mettez à jour ou réinstallez votre pilote GPU

If the deactivation of Steam Overlay does not solve the problem, try to update or reinstall your GPU driver.First, open the peripheral manager by right -clicking on the Start menu, then update your GPU driver from there.

If the GPU pilot update does not work, download the latest version of the GPU driver on the manufacturer's website, then install it manually on your system.But before running the installation file, you must uninstall the GPU driver of the peripheral manager.

4]Désactivez la diffusion dans Steam

If you have activated the broadcast in Steam, you may meet high use of the processor by the STEAM client priming program.To solve this problem, deactivate the diffusion function in Steam and check if it solves the problem.

We explained the process below:

  1. Lancez le client Steam.
  2. Aller à “Vapeur > Paramètres.”
  3. Sélectionner Diffusion du côté gauche.
  4. Maintenant, sélectionnez Diffusion désactivée dans le menu déroulant Confidentialité.
  5. Cliquez sur OK pour enregistrer les paramètres.

Read: Correction of the Steam update blocked on a Windows PC.

5]Exécutez la réparation Steam

The execution of Steam Repair solved the problem for many users.You can also make a repair attempt and check if it works for you.Follow the process described below to repair the Steam client.

Press win + R Keys.This will start running the command box.Now type the next command and click OK:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe" /repair

Note that, C: \ Program Files (X86) \ Steam is the default installation location of the Steam client.If you have installed Steam to another location of your computer, you must replace the C: \ Program Files (X86) \ Steam with this path.If you do not know how to open the Steam installation directory, right click on your icon on the desktop and select the open file place.Now click on the address explorer address bar and copy this path.After that, glue the path copied in the command above in place of C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam Chemin.

6]Définissez votre skin par défaut

According to some users, the modification of the STEAM customer's default dressing leads to high user use by the STEAM client priming program.If you have also changed the STEAM customer's default skin, restore it by default and see if it makes changes.

The steps to define the STEAM customer skin by default are explained below:

  1. Lancez le client Steam et ouvrez son Réglages panneau.
  2. Maintenant, sélectionnez Interface du volet de gauche.
  3. Dans le Sélectionnez le skin que vous souhaitez Steam pour utiliser le menu déroulant, sélectionnez skin par défaut.
  4. Cliquez sur OK.
  5. Redémarrez le client Steam pour que les modifications prennent effet.

7]Changez la fenêtre Steam en bibliothèque

By default, the Steam window is defined by default.According to some of the users concerned, the STEAM client's client priming program used a high processor.If none of the above solutions worked for you, you can try to change the Steam window to library and see if it helps you.

The following instructions will help you:

  1. Lancez le client Steam.
  2. Ouvrez son Réglages et sélectionnez Interface du côté gauche.
  3. Maintenant, sélectionnez Bibliothèque dans le menu déroulant de la fenêtre Steam.
  4. Cliquez sur OK pour enregistrer les modifications.

Do I have to deactivate the STEAM customer's client priming program?

As explained above in this article, the Steam Client Bootstrapper is an essential element of the Steam Customer.This is a background process that downloads and installs updates and also ensures that there is no missing outbuildings.If you deactivate or force the steam client's client's priming program, this can make the Steam customer unstable or stop.Therefore, you should not deactivate Steam Customer Bootstraper.

If it uses the processor a lot, you can try the solutions described in this article instead of deactivating it or forcing its closure.

I hope you help.

Read more: Fix Steam must be online to update the error on the Windows PC.