
Fortnite Chapter 3: Date, Map, Combat Pass and Leaks

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Fortnite Chapter 3: Date, Map, Combat Pass and Leaks
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Modified by Javier Marso

Big event for Fortnite, who leaves his chapter 2 and joins a brand new arc.This one is already teased, here is what we know about it.

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The third chapter of Fortnite is about to be presented in good and due form and yet, we already know lots of things of this new season structure.New completely crazy card, new events and arrival of ever more surprising characters: Chapter 3 promises to be a mini-revolution for Fortnite.

Fortnite Chapter 3: release date

Battle Royale finishes its chapter 2 on December 04, 2021.If the rest is not yet officially dated, the leaks have already started and we should not wait very long before discovering it.Currently, the most credible rumor is considering a very late December outing for this chapter 3, leaving a few weeks of pure floating well participating in the "The End" event.

The players could however be surprised and have an outing shortly after "the end", as at the end of chapter 2 where the game had been on break for only 2 days.From here at the exit of the next Arc de Fortnite, discover your favorite skin according to your Astro sign.

Leaks and trailers on the run: Chapter 3 of Fortnite is already revealed

By lying on Tiktok, some players were able to discover a first teaser of the new chapter of Fortnite.This short video, to be discovered below, suggests a whole new card for the game.This card seems to turn around and be the symmetrical of the current map.

Watch the video rather, and our explanations just below!

Fortnite Chapitre 3 : date, map, pass de combat et leaks

What to think of such a change, and how to present it vis-à-vis the absolutely dantesque lore of the game today?For some, it's very simple: Black Adam is the cause of this cataclysm.Black Adam is a DC Comics character who will have a film in the cinema in a few months, performed by Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

The man posted several videos on his Instagram or the references to Fortnite are numerous.In particular, it takes exactly the same codes to return the video by putting a sound similar to that heard in the teaser just above.Black Adam therefore, played by The Rock, would be the figure of Chapter 3 of Fortnite and teasing, although discreet, is already launched.

How to participate in the "The End" event in Fortnite

The start date of the event is wedged on December 04 at 10 p.m. in France.Quite simply, it will be enough to connect to the game to discover kinematic elements as well as exclusive parts.All the other modes are disabled: you will not be able to miss the "The End" event as soon as you are on the Battle Royale!

As a reward if you participate:

Then will come chapter 3, on a later date.The changes you can see during the end event will find an explanation!

Battle Pass, new weapons, characters and skins...

For the moment therefore, nothing has yet been revealed as to the next chapter of Fortnite and apart from the potential presence of Black Adam, we know nothing about what will change and be added to the video game.We logically expect several skins all as wacky as Naruto, some weapons and different gadgets/gliders.

By what Epic Games does not reveal more information on this next chapter, we can only invite you to book your Saturday evening December 04 to discover everything in preview!

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