
In the Auchan Louvroil gallery, you can learn to use a computer for free

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  • In the Auchan Louvroil gallery, you can learn to use a computer for free
In the Auchan Louvroil gallery, you can learn to use a computer for free
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The Efficiency Association has temporarily took place in the Auchan shopping gallery in Louvroil, where it offers in particular a digital permanence.People with difficulties with digital tools can receive help.

Parclaire Courbet |

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Dans la galerie d’Auchan Louvroil, on peut apprendre à se servir d’un ordinateur gratuitement

Transfer photos of your camera to your computer, use an online social network, access a discussion group to exchange with your children and grandchildren ... These are some of the most recurring requests to Effective Employees."There are also many requests for office automation, all that is the processing of texts, realization of tables, CV by...

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