There are films that change life.And there is one who jostled that of Sylvain Cavalier.A documentary, released in 2012, on the construction of Egyptian pyramids.Success is important: more than 90 million views.This film triggers, in Sylvain, a whole series of doubts and questions, because it questions official versions.""If I can question what I have been taught when I was young on the pyramids, I can finally question everything,"" explains Sylvain.
It was from that moment that the young man became a conspiratorial.He calls in question.He goes from videos to videos and locks himself in a conspiracy bubble.""I really felt like I had a critical spirit superior to the others, of being really superiorly informed and that the others, it was just a herd of sheep,"" recalls Sylvain.
He is also interested in the attacks of September 11, 2001.For him, it is a plot organized by the United States in order to create wars and steal oil.""I was completely convinced, he confirms.It is a logic with authorities who hide something for us for malicious reasons "".
At that time, he was involved in political level and dwell against injustices.""I had the impression that the rich, not only did they greeted themselves, but that in addition, they wanted us to harm, continues Sylvain.This idea really developed the fact that all the theories of the conspiracy seemed to me completely plausible since since they are rich, they are mean, they want us.""
Find the testimony of Sylvain Cavalier in the show #investigation:
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