
Iphone bug: solutions to the most frequent problems

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Iphone bug: solutions to the most frequent problems
  • By electronics-phone

Many solutions exist to solve recurring problems on iPhone.© Wachiwit - Stock.adobe.com

If you encounter battery -related autonomy problems

An abnormally rapid and no apparent fall in the battery of your iPhone can be explained in two ways:

To identify the nature of the problem, go to the Settings application, and choose the battery section.First, remember to consult the state of the battery, which tells you the maximum battery percentage that your iPhone can currently accumulate compared to the one he owned when the battery was new.It is generally recommended to change the battery when this percentage drops below 80 %.Apple also indicates that "the more the state of your battery deteriorates, the more its ability to provide optimal performance decreases".

In a second step, if the condition of your battery is more than 80 %, go to the battery category and look at the applications that consume the most.If some run in the background and you are useless, go to general, then in update in the background and deactivate them.You should thus find a normal battery life.

If your iPhone no longer lights up or is blocked

In case your iPhone is no longer lighting or displays a black screen, try to force the restart thanks to the following techniques:

It is possible that your iPhone lights up but remains blocked at startup.In this situation, you must connect your iPhone to a computer (PC or Mac) and open iTunes, then select your iPhone.Depending on your iPhone model, follow the steps indicated above and wait until the recovery mode screen appears.In the specific window, select update, then wait for the procedure to end.

If an application no longer opens or permanently plants

Some applications may sometimes encounter difficulties in opening or running on your iPhone.If you encounter this problem, here are various solutions that could work:

Bug iPhone : les solutions aux problèmes les plus fréquents

If none of these solutions solves your problem, contact Apple assistance or contact the developer of the application concerned directly from the App Store.

If your iPhone starts to become slow

Many factors influence the speed of your iPhone, and you can sometimes unlock this situation by performing simple operations.The points to be monitored are as follows:

In case of failure of the update

Several reasons may cause the failure of an update on your iPhone:

Major updates are often heavy and require a minimum of space available fairly substantial during the installation.Although some applications can be temporarily deleted to free up space, make sure you have enough space.

The slow download depends on the size of the update and speed of your connection.To increase it, avoid downloading other content and using a Wi-Fi network if possible.

If you encounter difficulties in reaching the update server, or that the process does not succeed, try to update your device using a different network, and connect it to a source of power.

In the event that these solutions do not work, you can delete and download the update again:

If your main button is broken (for old iPhone)

Up to the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, all iPhone has a main button (which includes the Touch ID functionality for 5S and more iPhones).This main button is very useful because it allows the return to the home screen, activation of voice commands with SIRI, or even access to the menu to force applications.

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that this button ceases to operate for various reasons.The most obvious solution to solve this problem is to change your main button, but there is another solution that allows you to replace it (temporarily or not).Please note, you must have at least iOS 5 on your device to implement this solution.

To activate it, go to settings, then in general, accessibility and choose Assitif Touch.This option will reveal a button directly on your screen, which you can move wherever you want, and which becomes more or less transparent when you do not touch.When you click on it, the button opens a full menu which offers many features such as volume adjustment, screen locking, notification center or the main button.

If your iPhone overheats

The iPhone are designed to be used in places with an ambient temperature between 0 ° and 35 °.The use of your device below or beyond these thresholds may cause a permanent reduction in battery life and if necessary, a significant drop in performance.Certain normal uses (initial configuration, wireless recharge, high quality video streaming, etc.) can bring your iPhone to heat a little without any risk.

However, in case of abnormal and too large overheating, the iPhone will block and display the following message: "Temperature, the iPhone needs to cool before being used".The only functionality always accessible despite this warning message concerns emergency calls.To be able to reuse your device as quickly as possible, turn it off and place it in a cool place and not exposed to the sun (and especially not in your fridge/freezer, you might damage it by causing a temperature change too violent forcomponents).

If you can't connect to a Wi-Fi network

Apple offers iPhone users to follow a few simple steps to solve the problem in the event of a connection to a Wi-Fi network:

Reset the iPhone to factory settings as a last resort

If certain problems persist (excluding breakage or purely material problem) and you have no solution to adjust them, there remains the complete formatting of the phone to bring it back to factory settings.Be careful, this method is fraught with consequences, if you decide to use it, remember to safeguard all of your data to be able to recover it after the operation.

To restore the default settings of the device, and erase the data safely, you can follow these steps:

Once the deletion is finished, you can turn on your phone and configure it as if it were its first use.If you no longer have access to your code or if your device is deactivated, follow this procedure recommended by Apple.

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