
Malijet Mahmoud Dicko, President of the High Islamic Council: "Better late than never, IBK must assume itself because I continue to believe in him" Bamako Mali

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Malijet Mahmoud Dicko, President of the High Islamic Council: "Better late than never, IBK must assume itself because I continue to believe in him" Bamako Mali
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With regard to threats of intercommunary conflicts that hover over Mali, the High Islamic Council of Mali organized a large public awareness meeting against the scourge.On this occasion, the burning questions of national news were discussed.These include, among other things, the ban on excision and certain drifts in the country's current governance.It was February 26, 2017 at the Palais de la Culture Amadou Hampaite Ba.

After the conflagration of northern Mali, the center which constitutes the umbilical cord is about to switch to an inter -community conflict.These include recent clashes recorded in the Macina area between Peulh and Bambara.Faced with the severity of the situation, the High Islamic Council of Mali decided to act.In this perspective, she organized an information and awareness meeting which brought together thousands of people to share with them the information relating to the danger of an inter -community war in Mali.

On this occasion, Thierno Hady Oumar Thiam, vice-president of the High Islamic Council expressed his concern in the face of the threat of inter-community conflicts that hover over Mali.Consequently, he raised the assistance on the danger of an ethnic crisis.After calling for national cohesion, he will emphasize that beyond all religious and ethnic consideration, we only have Mali in common."Mali is our pride and our dignity.Everything that will try to compromise it challenges us all, ”he said.

Based on Koranic verses, he will say that God has made us nations.Not to be in between, but to love us and respect us.And this is what must prevail today in Mali.Because, war can affect even those who consider it not concerned.To think that an ethnicity is greater than another is only an error.Grades God and let's be tolerant, Consulting Thiam."Mali is a country of ethnic and cultural brewing.There is no ethnic problem in Mali.If we do not be careful, this conflict trap between ethnic groups can affect our national army which is made up of several ethnic groups, "he commented.

To avoid Mali this scenario, he requests the good distribution of justice.While recognizing that Mali has always experienced small misunderstandings between the peasant and the breeder, he is worried that this is taking.

Malijet Mahmoud Dicko, président du Haut conseil islamique : «Mieux vaut tard que jamais, IBK doit s’assumer car je continue de croire en lui» Bamako Mali

State and civil society responsibility

In his intervention, the president of the High Islamic Council of Mali, Mahmoud Dicko believes that Mali is the victim of a plot orchestrated by certain major powers of the world.In the logic of stifling Islam in Mali, their conspiracy was born from the mobilization of the Muslim community of Mali against the family code which had been voted by the National Assembly in 2009 against our values.

Following the failure of the promulgation of this law, these powers have developed strategies to bring our country to earth in order to achieve their objective.To do this, explains Mahmoud Dicko, they tried to dislocate Mali by making our white skin brothers believe "that it is only in Mali that we see black governing white.Again, it did not work and will not work if he pleases God.Their plan ‘’ b ’’ consisted in making people believe that some Malians have an agenda to make Mali an Islamic State.This strategy having failed, they try a plan "c".It is a question of creating an ethnic war between the Bobo, Bambara and Peulh, and oppose the Dogons to the Peulhs in the center of the country which constitutes the navel of the nation ".

For him, this is a plot because these communities have always cohabited in harmony for centuries.Why this conflict today, he wonders.

Faced with the gravity of this situation, says Imam Dicko, we will not have to cross our arms."We must not only tell the truth to the Head of State as he also has it in a mosque, but also play our role".

As such, he advocates "it takes the sacred union around the Republic.We have to wake up so as not to fall into the trap of a civil war.I hope that the Machiavellian plans orchestrated against our country will not work.Because in Mali, no Bambara takes a rifle to shoot someone because he is Peulh.There are invisible hands behind these recent attacks.Let's not fall into their trap ".

Mahmoud Dicko's anger against the ban on excision

Very reassembled against the government, particularly the Minister of Justice, Mamadou Ismaël Konaté, the president of the High Islamic Council of Mali considers that the prohibition of excision aims to provoke the anger of Muslims.We have heard messages from certain ministers including that of the Minister of Justice, Mamadou Ismaël Konaté defending this ban.He even announces that this law must be applied before December 31, 2017, says Dicko.Following these messages praising this measure, he will continue "I received calls from everywhere.But I calmed people while waiting to understand the origin of this one.Finally, we understood that we wanted to push us to the fault.We will not be given the fault as was the case in certain African countries, ”he insisted.

According to Mahmoud Dicko, in ignorance after his statements, Minister Konaté went to take refuge in the group of religious leaders in Mali.According to the president of the High Islamic Council, the Minister of Justice says he is not responsible for what is said."What maybe we have a problem with power.You see how it is dishonest, "he is offended.

Dicko's optimism for the resumption of the situation by IBK

Faced with thousands of his co-religionists, he spoke about the governance of IBK who, he believes, has so far not satisfactory.He invited the President of the Republic to work ardently to deserve the confidence placed in him.It is true that it remains a human being, but, IBK must make efforts against bad governance and certain abuses of power that we see.For him, he must continue his efforts because, better late than never."He was a sincere man and we want him to stay.This is why he was nicknamed ‘’ Kankeletigui ’’, (the one who does not deduce in French).There is always hope.Better late than never, I continue to believe in him.I told her to stand out, to assume himself to save Mali otherwise ... ", said Mahmoud Dicko.

Oumar Konate

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