
Newsletter Lefaso.net Blockchain and cryptocurrencies: "To build the nation, should we not protect yourself as a priority against everything that kills the mind?»»

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Newsletter Lefaso.net Blockchain and cryptocurrencies: "To build the nation, should we not protect yourself as a priority against everything that kills the mind?»»
  • By electronics-phone

• The scams prospered

To build the nation, should we not protect yourself as a priority against everything that kills the mind?

The revolution worn by blockchain is an undeniable utility in the quality control of management processes underlying our daily life.A corollary to this revolution is this disconcerting facility of monetary creation carried by this blockchain, once in the sacred domain of monetary authorities.Blockchain and cryptocurrencies?What did we say and do on their behalf?The smell of money inherent in their advent attracted so many vultures before the rulers and monetary authorities allow themselves to take a look at it.

An absence that raptors have enjoyed well by marking out in the form of territories of improvement of terror and where the sessions of torture are offered to those of the citizens who would have lost themselves there or who would have responded to the golden reflections of the mirageFaceless or rather without image.This time, Africa and Asia have not missed the progress of progress but they confused the luggage van with the wagon-bed.Would it be too late to join those who have already granted themselves the upscale and secure cockpit?No, because we are still a trip;Fortunately.

In Burkina, it is a shame in the matter, after the Kyrielle of the various scam facts exposed in the media and the signals of the whistleblowers, some of which were very richly documented, it is a shame thatWe witnessed at the national level in not much of concrete actions for the benefit of this youth in perdition;The extension of the phenomenon to rural areas predisposed of a collective suicide of those who should tomorrow pride the nation.It is true that preaching against online scams while the scams of plots and others swarm on the ground is a titans fight.Notwithstanding, rushing to throw in the towel and we will fall Ko (Knock-out) as was Afghanistan;unusual comparison when we measure the short and medium -term destructive effects of this "new religion.»»

At a time when the unemployment of intellectuals is at its height and the need for the organization of united endogenous networks is imposed on this youth wealthy of exceptional potentials which should de facto promote the emergence of more seated and less vulnerable companies it'Find them individuals and corporations guided by the only gluttony of amassing poorly acquired wealth;Made up, treacherous people and without faith or law, to strive to destroy the social foundations of our countries by laminating its most vital base, youth.It is a nonsense to build schools, finance education, feed and treat future designers and producers who will be sacrificed at the Hotel de la Délinquance.

Burkina trophies is in the phase of winning the Palme d'Or in the discipline and not to whistle the end of recess by cleaning up the environment exposes the nation, downhill, where the strategies of crimes organized in the organized in theFlight and rape service, a fertile soil with terrorism in all its forms.It is an emergency and the BCLCC (Central Cybercrime Brigade), justice and overall the State should invest beyond the defensive (the treatment of complaints when nothing is in the coffers or when the atrocities arealready consumed).

A real hemorrhage of the secure savings of the Caisses d'Epargne et de Credit, banks, and hoarding granaries settled in the tropics.That useful and profitable projects forgotten in the past five years in favor of virtualized financial freedom illusions abandoning an army of miserables on the tile scrutinizing screens all day long from where figures parade to you butWithout the possibility of returning in sound and stumbling species.The phenomenon therefore seems to me sufficiently dangerous that it seems appropriate to tell you about it.

I hope in the lines that follow to be able to bring elements that will help the less informed, privileged target, to distinguish the good grain from the tares.Gymnastics which imposes several inserts in the overloaded text of many references at the end of the article.We integrate there an environment which has attributed a whole specific language using new concepts on known words, of official or local anglicism that I have tried to explain the best.A professional distortion makes me often use, in laziness, crypto instead of cryptocurrency, please apologize.

• For whom are these flies who buzz in our ears?

Chaque génération a son « guina-mory»» mais guina-mory de cryptos-là, ça bouffe l’homme sans rien laisser, pas même les os.

There was Qnet and when we thought they had understood everything, Qnet has metamorphosed in the format of the moment and thus continues to make victims;Today we live in the era of emulators, emulated which has freed themselves from their tutelage, have sufficiently armed to impose a fierce war on us by attacking strategically at the nerve center of the fatherland.In Burkina Faso, as everywhere else on the continent, the scams coated with both hideous and sneaky facets abound in the name of the cryptocurrency revolution.What the warlords of this terrorism have retained from the Blockchain revolution is exclusively cryptocurrency. Les sorties de leurs « experts en carton»» exposent un balbutiement visible des concepts, un piétinement des dogmes de base de cette révolution, une trahison par la fabrique d’une pyramide au sommet de laquelle, sa composante crypto s’y percherait.

Eux, ont réussi à se construire des entonnoirs orientés vers le sommet gérés par des « Coach»» et des « Ceo,»» à charge pour les « Leaders»» de veiller au cheminement du grain jusqu’à ce sommet et de maintenir les pigeons en cage ; ils sont rémunérés à cet effet par des ponctions sur les entrées dit bonus de parrainage.The pigeon captured by the exposure to the grain, once in a cage, almost never comes out of it again.

It is not too extrapolating to qualify these so -called financial freedom organizations that make a few billionaires but which drag thousands and thousands of tramps at the top of the top of the top of the top of the scale of the scale of the scale of the scale of the scale. L’obligation à tout membre d’effacer l’extérieur qui tenterait de le faire réfléchir, l’interdiction de ne s’acoquiner qu’avec ceux qui sont prêts à rejoindre le groupe, la déification du coach, les vœux d’obéissance passive aux leaders, les engagements à foncer tête baissée vers le « paradis»» et la prescription de proclamer « paria»» qui parvient à se défaire des tentacules de l’hydre sont autant d’éléments qui militent en faveur de cette dénomination de sectes.The very freed victims are ashamed to admit the tortures suffered and remain held by the fear of denouncing their jailers: they generally accept to testify only in the face blurred.

• The Gurus sect to the test of reality.

L’endoctrinement commence par l’auto-proclamation de l’expertise exceptionnelle des « coach»» et des « leaders»» et de l’indexation de l’ennemi commun que forme ce conglomérat d’ignorants et de méchants qui manœuvrent à soumettre le monde à leurs pieds. L’entourage extérieur « athée»» est un poison pour la communauté des élus.This outside world is described as inhabited by poor exploited by thieves who do not want youth to evolve and who fiercely oppose what they are enriching: governments, this government;banks, these banks;Intellectuals, these intellectuals and mainly these employees who will remain poor all their lives if they refuse to salvation.

At the test of reality the business models offered obviously collapse but they will never let go of the bar.Here failures are inevitable since the summit feeds on the puncture carried out at the base and that apart from prestigious investments and a little hazardous investments, the money collected does not work.The strategy of using the money of the last to flatter the first (the ponzi) does not resist the natural fall of the crowds over time.The justification for the individual failure taught is that the pigeon has not completely got rid of its relations which prevent it from taking off or that it does not work enough, hear there, it does not bring enough membersin the group.

Collective failure is when the Guru no longer manages to honor its commitments after the unilateral application of the redevelopment of the debt and the explanation in this case is that the government and the banks are the gravediggers of the saving initiatives. Vous vérifierez que lors des manifs en la circonstance, les marcheurs s’en prennent vertement aux juges et à leurs huissiers, aux banquiers « géleurs»» et aux gouvernants corrompus ; la stratégie pour la cause est de fédérer autant que faire-ce-peut l’opinion publique, les organisations de défense citoyenne, les panafricanistes, les chômeurs, les personnes vulnérables et toute autre composante sociale sensible à la confiscation de la ‘liberté d’agir’.

We could refer to the latest demonstrations in Ouagadougou de l'Ait (Trading Investors Association) to corroborate this assertion.Fortunately, this hypocritical targeting, which, moreover, is counterproductive for the demonstrators, tends to diminish in favor of a timid start; but it would be too early to hope for the victims that they publicly admit the death of the businessor that they vigorously condemn the coach and the leaders of the dissipation of their economies;Nevertheless, we have been given to see this half-awakening during the demonstrations of recent months in Togo, the demonstrators recognizing having let themselves be deceived by the societies against which they require support, the aid of the even recovery to recovery itselfresidual their investments.

Newsletter LeFaso.net Blockchain et crypto-monnaies : « Pour bâtir la nation, ne devrait-on pas se prémunir en priorité contre tout ce qui tue l’esprit ? »

• A perpetual request for official recognition

Les guruset les « coach»» sont dans la course permanente aux distinctions telles les certificats, trophées et gadgets publicitaires estampillés à leur effigie ou à celle de l’organisation, toujours à la chasse aux symboles antiquaires, aux labels « internationaux»» ; tout pour leur déification.No one can independently verify the physical location of the evaluation and award centers of these exceptional awards, even less the authenticity of the wooded decoratives if not in reality Pacotilles of underground industries.

London, Dubai, Panama Island, etc..are the privileged cities supposed to house this or that business.The leaders are responsible for using all the propaganda tools within their reach, in particular social networks to ensure full success in the broadcasts of these announcements.Aggressiveness or even terror in their approach is no doubt.

Anoin seminars, most often taking place in high -quality areas, exceptional efforts are developed in order to ensure the presence of officials, artists and/or religious leaders who believe in participating ininnocent entrepreneurship initiatives for young people.In Burkina, respectable officials have had their notoriety put to the test following their presence in the propaganda shots of these companies with behaviors contrary to their declared object and which are, moreover, most often the object of interest for theJustice.Their adage according to which justice can in no way rule on this novelty because inconnue of judicial services begins to no longer carry, the complainants understanding that any flight committed, whether in a rocket or in a attic is an offense admissible by theworld jurisdictions.

• Tree stretched for media

To the positioning cheating is often added a devious game of hide and seek with certain media;Faced with journalists who are afraid of trying to understand the little common English words used and therefore afraid of shaking the citadel with relevant questions, it is a boulevard which is open to them and again that for the commercial service, the coach andLeaders are customers who pay well.

Ainsi au Burkina les titres des journaux parlent d’eux-mêmes ; « La société X, leader burkinabé sur le marché du Forex»», « milliardaire à 24 ans»», « un burkinabé remporte deux prix en trading»», « le kama-kolo, crypto-monnaie-espoir de l’Afrique»». Ces derniers temps, les récits de faits divers concrets semblent s’imposer à ces media qui titrent alors : « escroquerie à la crypto-monnaie : un individu…,»» « un cyber-escroc arrêté par la BLCC»», « en un an, c’est la quatrième grosse tête du trading qui tombe en Afrique, pour les mêmes raisons de Trading, Crypto-monnaie ou MLM»» ; cependant certains organes persistent toujours à l’accompagnement ; par ignorance, par complicité ou pour tout autre raison ? Je ne pourrais en tirer de conclusion certaine.

• Safety partnership falsifications.

Prepaid visa cards are often used for this purpose.Generally certain banks allow subcontractors to personalize these cards by overloading the logos of user entities.The company holding the card numbers of its members feeds them as we do for ourselves or for our loved ones. Il ne manquait plus que ça pour qu’un jeune burkinabé utilise une carte Visa surchargée « Liyeplimal»» dans un distributeur de billets à un faubourg de Dano et enregistre une vidéo s’extasiant devant ce qu’il considère comme miracle et proclamant que l’affaire de Liyeplimal-là, c’est du concret et quiconque refuserait d’y adhérer, demeurera pauvre le restant de ses jours.

The nonsense of the operation is that our endoctrine is delighted to have succeeded in transforming his real money to Dano into a writing of deeper receivables than doubtful in Douala and that he is satisfied with the withdrawal ofSome crumbs in Dano.The figures aligned on the Liyeplimal web platform only have an available (liquefilable) counterpart than by the will of a guy sitting somewhere in Douala or Dubai (it comes from authority to harden the conditions of withdrawaland ration the amounts).

Les miséreux sont suspendus aux desiderata de ce directeur d’une société qui n’a aucune autorisation légale pour exercer une quelconque collecte de fond et qui dilapide ouvertement les « emprunts»» (considérés comme « subventions non remboursables»») dans des investissements de prestige et dans des séminaires et autres voyages mondains.Nothing to do with cryptocurrencies or conventional transactions.FYI, this LIYEPLIMAL collection operation amounts to Burkina Faso alone in billions of CFA francs.

• indoctrination by training seminars.

The seminars?It’s the gospel of salvation. Le baptême commence par : « Bienvenu cher leader, le leader qui t’a conduit ici, ne te veut que du bien, il t’a sauvé la vie, bénis-le ; Il t’a soustrait des tentacules du diable»».The government and the banks?All thieves;How much do they give you?At most 5% while with your money they do what we do here.My dear leader, here and now say goodbye to poverty.There are even ministers in our business, great businessmen;If someone and Dangoté explains you how he had the money, you would understand faster.

Look how easy it is on a pyramid, it is called MLM (multi-level-marketing) which means standing on each other to get rich;You start today below, if you manage to bring faithful, your godchildren, you will go up faster, and in three months or less you can double your bet without counting the more than 100% of your king (return on investment, from a few weeks to a year) that come back to you by right.You can't not become a millionaire here.Just with a start of 100.000 FCFA and a diligent work to build the family's network, it is in the pocket, and above all go for the bull with the jet of the red scarf and like the hungry eagle;Go to the top, dear leader.

En dehors d’une narration ordonnée sur des modules comme le développement personnel, des packages disponibles quasi-gratuitement sur internet, tout au long du cours, c’est l’endoctrinement du « bull»» (le taureau qui fonce et qui doit ébranler le mur pour passer ou mourir, l’aigle qui se concentre et qui bondit sur le poussin avec la certitude d’arracher ou de périr).The real approaches to cryptocurrencies, trading or the functioning of the markets are coated with anglicism as if to hide something unhappy;These courses find fertile land in contact with individuals who have opted to dry academic courses for the appointment at the top.

Le but poursuivi est que les séminaristes puissent se défendre du monde extérieur hostile même s’ils n’en ont pas la capacité : ceux qui parviennent à retenir les gros mots et à en prononcer dehors pourraient ridiculiser l’ennemi, ces cols blancs qui pensent que c’est user ses culottes à l’école de longues années durant et surtout ces « thèseurs»» d’économistes, de banquiers ou d’informaticiens qui ignorent même ce que veut dire blockchain, trading ou broker ; ils mourront dans leur ignorance.

We convince ourselves of the pitiful level of these self-proclaimed experts experts when they released in the media;We quickly realize that the basic concepts are tripled. Il est difficile de réussir la vulgarisation d’un système si on n’en maitrise pas son domaine ; et ce qui peut arriver c’est que le ridicule s’invitât dans la communication vous forçant à vouloir vous dérober par des échappatoires qui galvanisent des foules de pigeons « un smartphone vaut mieux qu’une maitrise»» mais qui amusent bien les avertis.

The training is very often concluded with a learner's directive that he remains in contact with the trainer or even with the organization, which will be materialized by the subscription to a specific business under the masterful gaze of the nebula sect.It is post-training validation in the form of apparently harmless practical work is actually a call for recruitment in the sect.

• CFA/ECO, MNBC and cryptocurrency

I cannot, at the risk of a coarse error in pedagogy, on the few lines that follow, dare a complete view of the monetary economy or a detailed explanation of the blockchain or the cryptocurrency.I would rather try here to bring the reader indifferent to be interested in certain aspects of blockchain, in particular monetary (cryptocurrency), which is why at first glance I lead you to the universe of cryptocurrencies.I chose to launch at the end of my presentation a call for reflection on the challenges of monetary sovereignty in the light of MNBC projects (Central Bank Digital Currency) with a filigree in the citizen debates on the CFA franc.

Here is what the United Kingdom presides over G7 on October 14, 2021: "Innovation in currency and digital payments has the potential to provide significant advantages, but also raises important questions of public policy andregulatory.»» Et dans le rapport final on peut lire : « les MNBC ne doivent pas nuire à la capacité des banques centrales de remplir leurs fonctions de stabilité monétaire et financière»». Le rapport ajoute « qu’aucun projet mondial de ‘stablecoin’ ne devrait commencer à fonctionner tant qu’il ne répondra pas de manière adéquate aux exigences légales, réglementaires et de surveillance pertinente»».Stablecoins could have very risky matches on MNBCs because they are neighboring in their nature, apart from the presence or absence of authority;This is why the countries concerned and the G7 are particularly interested in it.

• Monetary creation and investment offers

• Monetary creation

La blockchain est une technologie qui, entre autres fonctionnalités, offre la possibilité à qui veut de créer soit une blockchain et son « coin»» natif, soit un « token»» généré à partir d’une blockchain existante qui en a les fonctionnalités.The creation of a blockchain and its corner, even in a copy, requires hardware and software infrastructure sufficiently to discourage jokes while that of a token is within the reach of any Quidam.It is true that the very specialized literature cheerfully confuses the corner and the token but there are situations where a prior clarification is essential.Bitcoin (BTC) is the corner of the Bitcoin blockchain, Ether (ETH) is the corner of the Ethereum blockchain;Under the Ethereum blockchain gravitate more than a thousand tokens to date which are more or less alive, more or less famous cryptocurrencies.These are the corners and tokens called cryptocurrencies.

Monetarists will be delighted to meet the monetary posters such as the abbreviation (BTC, ETH in imitation of CFA, EUR) present in the stock market quotes, characteristics such as the symbol, which I cannot draw here, etc.. La masse monétaire est fixée ad vitam aeternam à la création ; la gestion efficiente de cette masse et de sa mise en circulation sont automatiquement régulées (on n’aime pas le mot « régulé»» dans la crypto-sphère) par le minage ou autres artifices utilisant la cryptographie.

• The value of the part or the token

The creator of the play or the token performs a call for participation of his project (as if by expression. l’ICO = Initial Coin Offering = Offre initiale avantageuse de pièces ou de jetons), phase au cours de laquelle la valeur ou la quantité offerte profite aux premiers adhérents (on n’est tout de même pas dans le cas d’une pyramide de PONZI) et qui se clôture par l’entrée au marché de la crypto à la valeur unitaire ; c’est un peu comme la « valeur faciale»» sur les monnaies classiques à la différence que cette valeur ne peut être gravée et n’a pas de sens dans le concept de la crypto-monnaie.There are cryptos that die at this stage and who will never find themselves on the market.If there is ICO failure, it is very rare that the placements received are reimbursed (first placement offer, first possibility of scam).Before investing in a new crypto, it is therefore necessary to learn about the quality of the project that underlies it, from the reality of the team members, etc..By going beyond white buses and YouTube videos, as the scammers have fertile imagination.

The entry phase on stock market seats starts after that of the call for participation.There are stock markets (exchangers) accessible to little famous cryptos, or which have just been created like (Latoken, Bittrex, Uniswap, etc..) and others less accessible such as (CEX, Bitstamp, Huobi, etc..);Some stock markets accept you but classify you at a level of waiting.To this phase, without the complicity of the stock market place (of the interchange represented by a web platform) The scam becomes very complicated or even impossible, unless the said platform is hacked (attacked) from the outside. Au contraire du monde des FIAT (monnaie classique), c’est le marché sous les « influenceurs»» du monde des analystes techniques et fondamentales, des célébrités qui fixent de manière dynamique le prix : il ne peut y avoir de dévaluation ou de réévaluation.

• Real investment offers (investments)

To benefit from these numerous investment offers in cryptocurrencies we can self-form and carry out an adequate portfolio management strategy, which is accessible to intellectuals and especially those who are in the field of finances,'Economy, IT, Marketing, etc..;Otherwise you have to move towards the support of the structures that have and the knowledge and honesty not to recruit yourself in a sect.

How do you become an cryptocurrency investor?It all starts with the creation of a wallet;Wallet is your wallet which must be carefully kept (codes);Never disclose them, never lose them, otherwise goodbye your fortune.

It is on the basis of market analyzes and listening to analysts that you can become a millionaire.And, to do this, run away, like the plague, the intermediaries and the sellers of illusions who have only the smartphone for reference.The laziness which consists in entrusting its savings to the alleged famous traders exposes you to a descent into hell guaranteed at almost 99%.You can try trading by yourself after serious training and in its simplest attributes like buying when the crypto loses value and reselling it when it takes value;You can do it in the very short term or in the medium term.Know that trading in its advanced features is at very high risk, more than 95% failure, so very, very little chance of climbing to the rank of the millionaires by this way.Fortunately a new opportunity accessible to all is offered by the DEFI (decentralized finance = decentralized finance);This is savings and other traditional finance products with blockchain as a banker or as an intermediary;Placement models have been increased tenfold by occasional blockchain capabilities and risks are better managed.

• Cryptos and the regulation of economic activity

• Want to protect themselves against the interference in our monetary policies, can cryptocurrencies free us from external diktats, diktats which are expressed by the confiscation of our economic levers through the monetary dictatorship including that of the CFA franc?The answer is yes, but...Yes, because as described, the absence of authority is one of the main characteristics of the cryptocurrency. Il nous suffirait donc, à la suite du Salvador, de déclarer le bitcoin « monnaie ayant cours légal dans l’espace CEDEAO»» et adieu le franc CFA.Perfect !But, we would not have saved if we remained there.

For a very long time, the currency has universally imposed the engine of the economy, whether this economy is open or closed.It is the strategic use of the levers that it offers that makes it possible to trigger, feed, guide and boost the expected development of a given economic space;This is the responsibility of the monetary authorities.During history, coins have peddled the expression of this embodied power of the emperors through the engraving on one and/or the other side, their figurines and/or the seals of the Empire.

•L’incompatibilité entre le « décentralisé»» et la « souveraineté»»

If we decided to adopt cryptocurrencies and therefore the absence of authority, our monetary authorities would lose all of their governance capacities and by ricochet control of their economy. Elles nous abandonneraient donc à la merci du marché directement dominé par les « influenceurs»» comme les Elon Musk et il suffirait d’un tweet (annonce sur twitter) d’une de ces « baleines»» des cryptos pour que nos économies s’effondrent.We would then find ourselves in a disastrous situation in the laughingstock of those who keep us etumped at the CFA franc. Les crypto-monnaies ont à leur crédit beaucoup d’avantages, entre autres, la transparence, l’inviolabilité, et la liberté ; encore que dopées de l’innovation des « smart-contracts»», elles permettent de purifier et de sécuriser les transactions entre acteurs de l’économie, de la banque centrale aux banques commerciales, de l’étalage des épiciers de Zaabr-daaga au portefeuille de la ménagère.The dilemma that arises to rulers is how to afford these assets of cryptocurrencies and continue to keep the management levers for the economy?

• MNBC as a serious springboard for the advent of the single currency

• What is MNBC or CBDC?

It is difficult to identify all the dimensions of a concept for a system which is its infancy;Nevertheless with regard to advances in the field, we can afford to mark out contours.We see that it is this story of decentralization without monetary authority that poses a problem between cryptocurrencies and so-called classic currencies.

Pour pallier cette « entorse»», des pays ont déjà réfléchi et cherché à inventer un système monétaire qui puisse bénéficier de la révolution tout en restant centralisé : ainsi naquit la MNBC (Monnaie Numérique de Banque Centrale) ou en anglais le CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) qui évoluera aux alentours de la blockchain ou intégrée à elle.MNBC is a currency whose course and issue are based on the material currency of the central bank, a compliant representation of the central bank monetary unit.The central monetary authority decides on its course and its mass.The country that gives us the example is China where the pilot phase of the project is almost completed and conclusive.So, an MNBC to get rid of the CFA franc?It is possible with the bonus of highly beneficial contributions beyond the forecasts of the Eco project.

• Pioneers with our English -speaking neighbors

Nigeria has just launched its MNBC directly this Monday, October 25, 2021 under the name of Enaira, Ghana is still in the pilot phase with its ECEDI, all were preceded by the Eyuan de La China.The implementation of the MNBC in a given monetary zone does not disturb the economic model always used in the hands of monetary decision -makers in the area.Nothing but advantages! The problem that arose at the creation of the Eco whose adoption could have been effective here and the maintenance was that certain relevant macroeconomic indicators lacked convergence.We can understand that the English -speaking countries of the area did not wait for the others before appropriating the MNBC project.Can this individual approach harm or promote the progress of the advent of the ECO?My opinion is that it will promote the advent of ECO if a contrary political will does not manufacture bottles of strangulation which, moreover, would not be justified by any serious reason.

• two years for the full advent of Eco, it is now possible.

It is now enough for countries like Guinea or sets like UEMOA, following Ghana and Nigeria launch their MNBC;by capitalizing on the experience of these pioneering neighbors and one year would be enough for the execution of such a project.And already local advantages would be perceptible as an acceleration of the speed of circulation of money and therefore a plus in growth as confirmed by economists.

We will have taken a giant step towards the single Eco currency.The rest, the alleged thorny problem of the positive convergence of macroeconomic indicators, this pretext could be bypassed by an interface between these MNBCs, an interface which would keep the differences and would earn the expected assets of the Eco project before term.This interface would properly prepare the convergence of indicators in the background which will disappear by themselves at the signal of a certain programmed green line.

La bonne nouvelle c’est que cette interface existe déjà, en « test concluant»» dans les serveurs de VISA, un an suffirait à l’implémenter.The advantage of joining this visa proposal after the implementation of MNBC is already to no longer depend on the authorizations and intermediations of any country and to integrate us directly into the rating of our currency internationally.Each country or zone would more easily join others while gradually capitalizing the advantages of the system.


Thus the advent of the single currency Eco could be announced earlier than expected and its promulgation just a protocol meeting to formalize the practice of the field.So I allow myself to the following questions:

• Will French-speaking countries seek to learn and capitalize on the experiences of China, Ghana or Nigeria to advance more quickly?

• Will our countries be able to resist the sirens that will not hesitate to dirty the pot by throwing bottles of strangulation in the effect of causing the abortion of this MNBC approach?

• Will these countries launch, after analysis, the order from experienced operators?

• or - what to fear - will they wait for the ECB to develop and then experience its system and that it judges the opportunity or not to sell it to them?

by Alpha Marcel Ouédraogo (AMO) E-mail: Pubgen22@gmail.com