
Nîmes: Some second-year students have received the computer offered by the Region

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  • Nîmes: Some second-year students have received the computer offered by the Region
Nîmes: Some second-year students have received the computer offered by the Region
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Since 2016, the new Occitanie region has been distributing laptops to certain students in second class. This year, it is those of the Philippe Lamour high school who are the first to benefit from it, from this Monday afternoon.

In total, nearly 500 students from the establishment (450 second year students and around fifty first or final year students arriving at high school and who have not received a computer in previous years) have collected their future work, as well as a protective cover.

Coming for the occasion, the regional councilor Julie Delalonde was able to talk with some students. “They are very happy, now they no longer have the effect of surprise because it has been in place for several years but they know that they are very lucky, smiles the elected official. Digital is a lever in terms of equal opportunities and this is the reason why the Region has created this system." An initiative which has proven to be all the more important since the appearance of the health crisis. "In Occitania, we have not seen many cases of digital divide among high school students thanks to these computers. They were able to pass their exams without problem", says Julie Delalonde.

Nîmes: Some second-year students received the computer offered by the Region

Each year, 60,000 computers are distributed to public high schools in the region, including 6,743 in the Gard and 3,000 in Nîmes.