
Normandy.At the start of the school year, new high school students will all receive a laptop

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  • Normandy.At the start of the school year, new high school students will all receive a laptop
Normandy.At the start of the school year, new high school students will all receive a laptop
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Students who enter high school in Normandy, at the start of the next school year, will be equipped with a laptop provided by the region, as part of its digital high school student.

Par Isabelle Villy Publié le76actu Voir mon actu

The COVVI-19 health crisis and the resulted confinements have turned habits upside down.With the massive emergence of telework and distance lessons for schoolchildren, college and high school students, obviousness has also manifested in a blatant way: not everyone is equal in front of the digital tool.It is in particular to respond to this digital fracture that the Normandy region has chosen to amplify its effort towards high school students, via the digital high school student pack.The President of the Hervé Morin region and its vice-president Marie Guguin presented Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at the Rouen region hotel, the main lines of this device which aims to provide 41,340 computers for the next school year.

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"The digital tool is essential today"

"This is a device that makes sense given the digital divide.In addition, the digital tool is essential today.It must be controlled, ”said Hervé Morin, stressing that this tool has become a sine qua non condition in many professional areas to find a job or an internship.To be operational, it is therefore necessary to train as soon as possible and from the start of the school year in September 2021, students from college and entering the second school class will therefore be equipped with a laptop."It is important to tell families not to spend for the next school year several hundred euros for a laptop for their child who enters high school since the region will provide it," insists the president of the Normandy region.

"Favorable reception of establishments"

The region therefore ordered 41,340 laptops to equip the majority of public high schools (143) and private high schools (57), as well as 34 rural family houses that wished."We have received a very favorable reception from establishments," notes Hervé Morin, who stresses that "computers are loaned", in order to support the "circular economy" system, within the framework of sustainable development.

Cost: 15.4 million euros

Normandie. À la rentrée, les nouveaux lycéens recevront tous un ordinateur portable

Concretely, the schedule for implementing the system is available as follows: early May, the region ordered the 41,340 laptops for an amount of 15.4 million euros, “including deployment and support for high school students».Computers' manufacturing began on May 20: delivery can take place in five logistics centers, one per department, between July 15 and August 15.The distribution, high school by high school, is scheduled to start on September 15 and will spread over three weeks.

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7,000 WiFi terminals to be developed in high schools

With the latest standards in terms of WiFi, the computer is guaranteed for 3 years.To support families, the region has set up a one -stop shop (telephone, email, cat, portal) to answer all families' questions and to support high school students.In addition, it goes without saying that the digital pack requires the deployment of WiFi in high schools, to allow internet access and in particular to the digital work space (ENT)."A specific WiFi network is the subject of a 3 -year deployment plan, in five waves, from summer 2021 to summer 2023", specify the services of the region, which indicate that 7,000 WiFi terminals,Or 50 on average per high school, will have to be deployed.Cost of the operation: 6.2 million euros.

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