
Phonandroid iOS 15: students have found a way not to copy their courses thanks to a new option from their iPhone

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Phonandroid iOS 15: students have found a way not to copy their courses thanks to a new option from their iPhone
  • By electronics-phone

Apple introduced with iOS 15 a new practical copy-paste functionality which allows you to select text in a photo.Some students are already abusing this new feature during their lessons.

With iOS 15, iPhone users now have access to a long list of new practical features.It is for example possible to identify and select text in a photo to copy it thanks to the "live text" functionality.This obviously gave ideas to students, who often have to copy the projected slides during their lessons.

Indeed, as shown by videos on Twitter, some students do not hesitate to take photos of the slides and then select the text and then paste it on their MacBook, using the functionality that allows you to stick text on computer, even S'He was previously copied to your iPhone.This allows them to copy the courses projected in just a few seconds.

This feature has existed for years on Android

PhonAndroid iOS 15 : des étudiants ont trouvé le moyen de ne pas recopier leurs cours grâce à une nouvelle option de leur iPhone

As is often the case, Apple has not invented anything again.Indeed, this new feature which allows you to copy text of a photo was already present on Android for years.Indeed, if you have an Android smartphone, just take a photo and then select the Google Lens option in the options.This will allow you to identify the text present on your image.You can then select the words or different paragraphs you want to copy.

Since last year, you can copy the text to your Android smartphone and paste it on your Windows 10 PC using the SWIFTKEY alternative keyboard and the Windows application "your phone", which allows you to connect your phone to your computer.Although it can be very practical to copy the courses at full speed, it goes without saying that we learn less well in this way.

In any case, Apple should soon add new interesting features to iOS 15 which have not been deployed at the launch of the update.We can for example quote Shareplay, which will allow you to share songs, videos and their screen during a Call Facetime.