
Training to learn to code multiply in Angers: how to find your way?

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Training to learn to code multiply in Angers: how to find your way?
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In Angers (Maine-et-Loire), more and more training is offered to learn to master computer coding.Is it essential to evolve in the digital world?How to train?Is a diploma really necessary?We take stock.

Ouest-France Jean-Philippe NICOLEAU. Publié le

Digital, by definition, is binary ... zeros, some, and a whole world opens.But to be able to explore it, to work there, in this world, you need skills.Have the codes… of the code, in particular.

But, is it really essential?Should we train?If yes, how ?What are the training offered in Angers (Maine-et-Loire)?And, by the way, what are we talking about?Explanations.

What is the code, right?

Les formations pour apprendre à coder se multiplient à Angers : comment s’y retrouver ?

Code is a language.A computer language, which allows you to write scripts that will be understood and executed by the computer.In fact, we should rather talk about languages, in the plural, because there are several hundred.HTML, Python, Java, JavaScript are the best known.


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