
Vaccinal pass: thousands of demonstrators this Sunday

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Vaccinal pass: thousands of demonstrators this Sunday
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Vaccine pass.This Saturday, January 29, new events were held in Paris and throughout the territory against the vaccination pass.There were still several thousands to beat the pavement across the country.

[Mis à jour le 29 janvier 2022 à 18h59] Alors que le pass vaccinal a fait son apparition dans le quotidien des Français depuis le début de la semaine, de nombreuses manifestations contre ce nouveau dispositif sanitaire se sont tenues à Paris et sur tout le territoire national ce samedi 29 janvier.In the capital alone, four processions were declared in the prefecture.According to LCI, there were several hundred to beat the pavement at Trocadéro.In Lille, the prefecture estimates that they were 250 to demonstrate.On the Strasbourg side, the authorities estimate the number of demonstrators at 650.In the south of France, in Nice, they were more numerous: 900 people walked against the vaccination pass.

But then, how to get the vaccination pass?Negative PCR or antigenic screening tests are no longer accepted.You must present a complete vaccination scheme or a COVVI-19 recovery certificate more than 11 days ago and less than 6 months to activate it.In addition, the vaccination pass is packaged at the reminder dose made in the previous 4 months the last injection from February 15, 2022, only for French people aged 18 and over, having been vaccinated or declared positive for the COVVI-19 More than 11 days ago and less than 6 months ago.In the absence of a dose of recall, the French who received a second injection before October 15, 2021, or who were contaminated by the COVVI-19 more than 6 months ago will see their health pass deactivated from February 15.Which represents 9 million French people, according to the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

But there are exceptions to the rule.The French who were infected with the COVVI-19 before the first dose or between the two doses are exempt from the recall dose, although the allanticidvid application suggests the opposite, displaying an expiration date 7 months after the last injection.Do not worry, it would only be a display problem which will be corrected on February 1."No vaccination pass will be lost," reassured the office of the Secretary of State for Digital with BFM TV.

For non-hobs, a derogation was granted by the government to all French people engaged in a vaccination course before February 16 "subject to making its second dose within 28 days and a negative test of less than 24hours, "said Prime Minister Jean Castex at a press conference on January 20.Likewise, temporary activation is granted to people who have not completed their vaccination scheme or who have not yet received their dose of recall on time.

How to activate your vaccination pass and from what age is it required?How to calculate the date of deactivation of your vaccination pass?Where to find this information ?What end date of the health system?All the answers to your questions below:

How to get the vaccination pass?

To obtain this new sesame, two conditions and no longer three: present a complete vaccination scheme (with recall dose from 18 years old) or a certificate of recovery at the COVID-19 dating from at least 11 days and less than6 months.Negative PCR or antigenic tests are no longer valid proof, unlike the health pass.

The non-vaccinated French who engage in a vaccination scheme before February 16, can benefit from a valid vaccination pass subject to making their second dose within 28 days and carrying out a negative screening test.

How to transform the health pass into a vaccine pass?

Pass vaccinal : des milliers de manifestants ce dimanche

The French who already have a valid health pass through complete vaccination or a valid covid-19 recovery certificate have nothing to do, QR code, paper or digital, of the health pass is automatically converted tovaccine pass.

Be careful, as of February 15, the dose of recall must be made maximum four months after the last dose, for people aged 18 and over, in order to keep their vaccine pass.For those who must still make their dose of reminder, they will have to present the new document issued or flash the new QR code since the Application Tousanticvid application to obtain a vaccination pass without expiry date.This new document can be downloaded from the health insurance website.

Where to download the vaccination pass?On Ameli?

The vaccination pass can be downloaded from the Ameri Health Insurance website in bilingual (French-English) version for vaccinated people, but also on the SI-DEP portal, using the secure link received by SMS or E-mailFor people who have carried out an immunity test at COVVI-19.For French people wishing to use the digital version of the vaccination pass, they import it into the "Carnet" function of the ALLANTICVIVE application.If reading the vaccination pass provided by the control authorities "is done by a digital reader, everyone is free to present the paper version of their pass," said Bercy in a press release.If you do not have the internet, you can get closer to your health professional or your vaccination center to recover the document in paper format.

From what age does the vaccination pass apply?16 years old ?

All French people over 16 years old must have a vaccination pass to go to the places where it is established.The health pass remains the rule for minors aged 12 to 15.Good to know: minors aged 16 and 17 are not packaged at the dose of recall to obtain their vaccine pass.But if they wish, they can administer a dose of recall, not compulsory, since Monday, January 24.

What is the time to obtain the vaccination pass?

With regard to the deadline for obtaining the vaccination pass, as for the health pass, the Directorate General of Health specified that "person who is starting today their diagram will be able to obtain a vaccine pass one week after their second dose", and after a month after the double injecting the janssen vaccine.

Is the vaccination pass conditional at the recall dose?

As with the health pass, the vaccination pass is conditioned in the dose of recall for people aged 18 and over, which must be carried out, from February 15, 2022, four months maximum after the last dose (first or second dosedepending on the vaccine).However, a temporary activation of the vaccination pass is granted by the government for people over 18 who have not yet received their dose of recall 7 months after their previous dose.The government has also authorized the administration of the recall dose from 3 months after the previous dose of vaccine."There are still 9 million French people who have not received the third dose and their pass will expire," alerted this Tuesday, January 25, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on Tuesday 25 January.

How to know the time of reminder dose with all anticovid?

In order to alert the people affected by the expiration of their vaccination pass, an option available on the ALLanticovid application alerts you when your pass arrives at."Your page will change color when you present the pass, so that you can see the time left before deactivation," said the Minister of Health.

How to calculate the date of your reminder dose with Ameli?

Rest assured, it is not necessary to use a mental calculation, health insurance has put online a simulator, called my COVVID vaccine recall, which allows you to know its date of eligibility for the vaccination recall against theCOVID-19 as well as the expiration date of his vaccination pass.Accessible from a computer or smartphone, this teleservice requires your date of birth, if you have been tested positive for COVVI-19 from your last dose, the name of the vaccine used during the last injection and the date of your last injection forObtain the right answers.

Can we get a vaccination pass even if the vaccination scheme is not complete?

The application of the vaccination pass is done gradually.Non -vaccinated persons can temporarily obtain the system provided that they are engaged in a vaccination scheme before February 16, 2022, subject to making their second dose within 28 days.However, a negative test of less than 24 hours is requested for them.

Can non -vacinated people obtain a vaccination pass?

Non -vacinated can receive their vaccination pass from the day of their first dose, provided you present a negative PCR or antigenic test result of less than 24 hours, and to carry out in the month following their 2nd dose.They will have to carry out their recall dose within four months, unless they are under 18, for which only two doses are enough to obtain the precious sesame.

Finally, due to medical contraindications (a dozen listed by health insurance, such as allergies, myocarditis or pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome), some French cannot be injected the vaccine against COVVI-19.However, the vaccination pass implies a complete vaccination scheme or a COVVI-9 recovery certificate.With the establishment of the health pass, the law has already taken this particular situation into account, and the new law on the vaccination pass does not modify "in any way the rules applicable to medical contraindications to vaccination".After going to his attending physician, the patient receives a medical certificate of contraindication to the COVVI-19 vaccination, the first part of which is filled by the doctor and transmitted to health insurance, then receives a pass with the QRAssociated code, within one week after submitting the file.The second part of the medical certificate of contraindication to vaccination is to be preserved by the patient.

Is the COVVI-19 recovery certificate valid to obtain the vaccination pass?

Covid's healing people can quite present a recovery certificate to obtain the new pass."I confirm that the recovery certificate - issued to people who have been affected by COVVID and are not yet eligible for vaccination - gives access to the vaccination pass, under the same conditions that it gave access to the health pass," saidthe Minister of Health during the debates in the National Assembly.As a reminder, it is necessary to have been tested positive more than 11 days ago and less than 6 months with a PCR or antigenic test to obtain, on the SI-DEP platform, a certificate of recovery at COVVI-19.

Can a negative test be required, in addition to the vaccination pass?

The accumulation of proof of vaccination and a negative test may be required when "the interest of public health and the state of the health situation" justify it.A decree details the situations and places in which this exceptional situation is required.However, the Senate has strengthened the management of the measure which is only applicable "when the activities received, by their very nature, do not make it possible to guarantee the implementation of measures likely to prevent the risks of propagation of the virus".

What date of entry into force of the vaccination pass?

The vaccination pass entered into force on Metropolitan French territory on Monday, January 24, after the validation of the law by the Constitutional Council on January 21, then the promulgation of the law on Saturday January 22 with the official publication of its decreeapplication.In the overseas departments and territories, it is the prefects who decide the date of entry into force of the vaccine pass.

What end date of the vaccination pass?

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on January 20 at a press conference that the vaccination pass could be lifted as soon as "epidemic and hospital pressure were to be reduced in a sustainable manner".On January 25 on LCI, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran returned to these allegations, explaining that the vaccination pass would be maintained "as long as a threat will weigh on hospitals".For the vaccination pass to be removed, hospitalization figures must be "compatible with normal operation of hospitals", without operations being reprogrammed.

Finally, the law transforming the health pass into a vaccine pass, however, respects the same period of validity: until July 31, 2022."We voted an extension of the state of sanitary emergency exit which stopped on July 31, 2022.I do not see how we could maintain this vaccination pass beyond July 31, 2022, a deadline anyway, "confirmed on January 17 on France Info the LREM deputy Julien Borowczyk, president of the information mission of the 'National Assembly on the management of the health crisis.