
See French or Canadian TV from the United States (Florida…)

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  • See French or Canadian TV from the United States (Florida…)
See French or Canadian TV from the United States (Florida…)
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Are you a Frenchman who cannot do without TF1 or a Canadian who cannot live without VAT?But you live or stay in Miami or New York and you wonder how to watch French or Quebec TV from Florida ... and a priori ... it's blocked.Here are explanations on this blocking, and ... the (fairly simple) way of legally bypassing it!

Si vous cherchez une box, vous pouvez essayer l’une des deux suivantes (cliquez) :


Each start of the season of many snowbirds are found with their boxes ("box") which no longer work when they arrive in Florida, so they think it is a generality, and that "the company which manufactures the" xxx box "does notretransmits more in Florida ".Each year, it is in fact isolated decas, and the box services still work for the most part.In any case, at the end of 2019 we asked our Facebook group the question for snowbirds in Florida and it seems that for the majority, everything is going well.Do not hesitate to join this group and ask the questions to the members (on this subject or anything else about Florida!).

Peut-on voir légalement des chaînes de télévision françaises ou canadiennes depuis les Etats-Unis ?

The answer is no.This is prohibited by international legislation: the chains of a country should only be seen in their own country, except international channels (Canal+ International, CNews, CNN, France24 ...).We cannot see "channels", but on the other hand it is possible to see certain replay shows, only if these are productions produced by this television channel (television news, debates ...).Otherwise, if you try to play another show from abroad, the fateful message is displayed on your screen: "This video is not available in your country".

Pour quelles raisons ne peut-on pas voir nos télévisions depuis l’étranger à part BFM TV ?

First of all for reasons of copyright.For example, such a American series is sold to a Spanish TV channel which has the rights in its country.If these rights are sold to him for Spain, it is not for this chain then to rebroadcast the series to the tens of millions of Latinos living in the USA.

Voir la TV française ou canadienne depuis les Etats-Unis (la Floride…)

Second reason: audiovisual sovereignty.All the countries of the world wish to maintain control over the media disseminated within them, a right certainly relatively undermined by internet (youtube, social networks), but they wish, and it is understandable on the one hand that their lawsare respected by the media, and also that foreign media do not influence the smooth running of their elections, for example.

Comment les chaînes de télévision peuvent savoir que je suis à l’étranger ?

When you connect to an internet platform (to a site or an application), the latter becomes aware of your "IP address" (Internet Protocol) which contains your geographic location.They can block the content if you are not in the "good" country.

Mais on voit parfois des offres payantes pour voir les chaînes de télévision françaises depuis les Etats-Unis ?

Yes, as said before, there are international, free or paid television offers.TV5monde for example is included in certain paying bouquets in the United States, and it is also possible to obtain the "cube C" of Canal +.This is a mini decoder that allows you to see nearly 100 television channels, including the channels of the Canal group, which is already a lot for the French.But it is obviously necessary to have a subscription to Canal+.

Some other offers are 100% "pirates": with a paying contract, companies provide you via a TV case (a "box") or directly on the Internet, all your favorite channels, live as delayed.These "reruns" work illegally, but as they do not bother anyone (or at least few people), it has been working for years and years ...

Mais y a-t-il une solution légale pour voir toutes les chaînes québécoises et françaises depuis les Etats-Unis ?

Yes, the "VPN" can be considered legal, even if it is still a little twisted.These initials VPN mean "Virtual Private Network", ie "Private Internet".You must take a subscription on one of these servers (which are quite numerous) and which will serve you with two things: to download for you the television you want to see (or the replay), and to send it to you instantly.You just have to start the VPN (and have paid it, a few dollars a month) and your television channel, for example from Montreal, is first captured by an IP address in Canada before you have returned to "Stream»(Flows) to your Internet browser in the United States.It works with all the countries of the world.(CAUTION: free VPN versions do not allow you to load video).

Et, ensuite, une fois que mon appareil est connecté ?

Either you go to the website of the chain you want to see, or to its application (which often contains "replays").The French (or Canadians who are interested in French channels) have additional comfort to be able to download an application like www.mycanal.FR or www.molotov.TV whose free versions allow access to dozens of different channels by just clicking on the channel icon, as easily as on a remote control.

But, in any case you will always have an easy way to find all the channels on the internet.Again, the only problem ... is that they don't block you.

Internet c’est bien, mais je veux regarder la télévision québécoise sur… une télévision ?

In this case you will just need an "HDMI" cable (or at least an appropriate cable) between your device connected to the Internet (tablet, telephone or computer) and your TV.They are on sale in supermarkets or telephony stores.And if it is we gave you one with your phone when you bought it!

In any case, as you will understand, you need an internet connection.

Quels sont les meilleurs VPN ?

There are many, and it's going from $ 10 a year to $ 60.A reader in Florida confirms that www.Tunnelbear.Comfunction with Canadian channels. Plusieurs lecteurs mentionnent www.Expressvpn.com as a means of accessing the French channels (but normally each VPN allows access to all the channels from all countries), and others are on: Hide My Ass, Protonvpn, VPN One Click, IP Vanish, JCVPN,Goldenfrog, Strongvpn…

Si vous cherchez une box, essayez l’une de ces deux-là :

Canal + International arrête… pour le moment

Launched Canada in 2017, then in the USA in 2018, Canal + International ceased to issue on January 30, 2020.The international channel of the Canal+ group could nevertheless return in the coming months or years with an application dedicated to "smart tvs".

See our article

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