
What are the 50 most expensive things in the world in their fields?

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  • What are the 50 most expensive things in the world in their fields?
What are the 50 most expensive things in the world in their fields?
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What are the most expensive objects in the world?A house, a plane?With this top listing 50 most expensive things in their areas from the least expensive, you risk being surprised!

50 - Lee Broom's Crystal Bulb, an object made to shine

Price: 395 €

The most expensive bulb in the world is a lee broom crystal bulb.The price is explained by the material, but also by a very low energy consumption.This is the perfect object for combining luxury and eco -responsibility.

49 — La Monkey straw de Tiffany & Co, la paille la plus innovante

Price: 475 €

This straw is sunk in sterling silver.Its shape is inspired by a climbing monkey on a tree branch.Despite the prize, success is there since all the straws produced were sold.With the expansion of the reusable straw market and the recent prohibition in France of plastic straws, offering this kind of object becomes less and less absurd.

48 - IVIP Black, an application reserved for millionaires

Price: 1,100 €

This portable application is described as "the application of the millionaires".It lists everything that interests people with a high standard of living.It is available on the App Store for € 1,099.

47 - The Audioquest Diamond 1m, an HDMI cable has not lost

Price: 1,199 €

In addition to having an exorbitant price, this HDMI cable also has a false name.Indeed, it is not at all in diamonds.The price is explained by the performance it offers (low distortion and better conductivity).Do not hesitate to consult our article to find out the difference between HDMI and DisplayPort cable.

46 - La Grace Kelly 2007, the most expensive € 2 piece on the market

Price: € 3,000

Each year, parts of € 2 commemorative from each EU country are free.They are struck in limited draw and never reissued.Their values increase according to the number of prints and over time.The 2007 Monegasque piece commemorating the 25th anniversary of Grace Kelly's death was published in 20,000 copies.It is now estimated around € 3,000.

45 - The Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional HP Japan, Virtuoso PC keyboard

Price: 4,100 €

The most expensive computer keyboard is coated by Urushi lacquer and sprinkled with gold.It comes straight from Japan and costs 500,000 yen.

44 - The Flower Burger 5000, to be enjoyed in moderation

Price: 4,200 €

A kobe beef burger filled both fatty and garnished with truffles, you are not dreaming!The Fleurburger 5000 is the most expensive burger in the world.Prepared in Las Vegas in the restaurant of chef Hubert Keller, he is accompanied by the famous "French fries" and a bottle of Petrus 1995, worth $ 2,500 value.Which brings us to 2,100 € the gross value of the burger!

43 - The Rion2 Re90, the Happiness Highway

Price: € 5,600

On the market, it is possible to attach the favors of the Rion2 Re90, the fastest electric scooter, but also the most expensive.With a top speed of more than 160 km/h and a range of 96 km, this two -wheeled rocket is intended for thrill seekers.To roll with a scooter at a more affordable price, follow our comparison of electric scooters.

42 - La Toto Neorest, an innovative cutting -edge toilet seat

Price: € 9,800

These toilets are described on the Toto site as a "revolutionary innovation at the top of luxury".The Neorest toilet is indeed at the cutting edge of technology with an integrated UV light which destroys impurities and germs inside the lid, electrolyzed water which sterilizes the bowl with each rinsing.Sold for $ 10,200, it also includes a heating seat, a jet rinsing system, deodorant and adjustable water jets.

41 - The Arcaboard, a return to the future

Price: € 10,000

The Arca Space Corporation company is a fan of pop culture!In 2016, she decided to market a real overboard.The Arcaboard has the ability to rise a few centimeters from the ground and reach 20 km/h!Which makes it the most expensive functional board in the world.

40 - van der westen speedster, design coffee machine

Price: 16,775 €

This 70s retro style coffee machine is completely chrome.Assembly in Waalre in the Netherlands, only 400 pieces are manufactured there each year.It will be necessary to pay more than 16,000 € to afford a good cup of coffee, if the grains are of quality!

39-The LBF-750 of Bodyfriend, Massage chair with a thousand sensations

Price: € 30,000

"Live a trip to well-being by Lamborghini Automobili".This massage chair, the fruit of collaboration between bodyfriend and Lamborghini, stands out by offering customizable massages each time you sit and plethora of other features.

38-The Residence, a long-haul flight more than premium

Price: € 33,000

The most expensive flight ticket record for a flight between two destinations is held by the Etihad Airways company.He leaves from Bombay to go to New York.This price can be explained by the small private suite of 12 m² that the passenger offers with living room, bed and shower cabin.

37 - Kalamazoo's K750 HS Hybrid, don't make a whole dish

Price: € 35,000

Quelles sont les 50 choses les plus chères au monde dans leurs domaines ?

The American brand Kalamazoo is the most iconic barbecue brand in the country.The K750 HS Hybrid is its high -end product: a hybrid grill self -supporting stainless steel that allows you to cook with any fuel - charcoal, wood, gas -.

36 — Designé par Smeg et Dolce&Gabbana, un frigo haut en couleur

Price: 37,600 €

La médaille d’or est remise au tandem Smeg et Dolce&Gabbana qui, avec leurs frigos FAB28R redécorés, atteignent la somme de 37 600 euros.This fridge is dressed in a fresco classifying it to the rank of art of art.

35 - Gamma Attack, for collector more than for gamer

Price: 46,337 €

The rarest and most expensive video game ever released is a game of the Atari 2600 console.It's a 2D fighting game in flying saucer.There is today only one copy sold in 2008 to collector Anthony Denardo.

34 - NEC PH1400U, see things big

Price: € 48,999 (without objective)

The most expensive video projector in the world has an advantage, it is extremely bright.With 14,000 lumens, your image can be projected in full sun without problems.Only drawback, you must add a goal to the device.For more reasonable wallets, we tested the mini video projector Astro from Anker.

33 - The Focal Utopia from Tournaire, a helmet that turns heads

Price: € 100,000

The most expensive headphones in the world is nevertheless criticized for the quality of sound.In reality, what makes its price is its uniqueness, but especially its diamonds located on both sides of the headband.

32 - Beautiful sun, the Swiss luxury boarding school

Price: € 150,000 / year

Le Beau Soleil school is the most expensive school in the world.260 young people aged 11 to 18 are residents in this college/high school where we find the sons and daughters of the world's largest fortunes.Besides, no name is disclosed to keep anonymity.

31 - Delair Drone, Drone Rolls

Price: 200,000 €

With a flight speed of up to 60 km/h, wings that extend over 3 meters and a catapult to take off from the ground, the brand of the Delair brand is similar to a luxury drone.The French startup, which manufactures these unmanned planes, has prices up to € 200,000 for people who target high.

30 - A high altitude trip to Virgin Galactic

Price: € 225,000

Since June 7, 2019, NASA announces that it is now possible to organize space trips ("2 short missions of private astronauts per year").The company Virgin Galactic jumped at the opportunity to market the 1st flights in the space and have already sold 600 tickets.The duration of the flight for this unusual trip is 90 min.

29 - The most expensive steak is "high tech" meat

Price: € 285,000

Carrying out 175 million steaks with a single cow is what a Dutch laboratory has allowed.They used animal stem cells to constitute synthetic meat "in vitro".Less polluting, less consumer of water, more respectful of the animal, this 142 gram steak presents only a defect, its price.

28 - JB 11, a jetpack that sends you in the air

Price: € 285,000

The JE JB 11 Jetpack of the American brand Jetpack Aviation is powered by 6 turbojetters.It has a top speed of 190 km/h, but its autonomy does not exceed 10 min.It is the most expensive jetpack that currently exists on the market.

27 - The Chopard of Rigo Vision Sunglass, you can only be dazzled

Price: € 311,500

The price record for sunglasses is held by the Swiss Chopard jewelry brand.They were designed by Rigo's luxury eyewear.The frame is set with 24 carat gold..To top it off, the name of the brand is surrounded by diamonds, just that!

26 - Luvaglio Laptop, myth or reality?

Price: € 830,000

A million dollars for a laptop, this is what the Luvaglio brand specializes in luxury computer products.Luvaglio Laptop found takers in 2010, announces the seller.But no one can prove this transaction.Is it just a publicity stunt?Maybe, but it is undoubtedly a stroke of genius.

25-The most expensive parking space is in Hong Kong

Price: € 870,000

In the center of the city, a parking space of the office building The Center was negotiated at € 870,000.The value of this 12.5 square meter location is "three times the average price of the square meter of housing in Hong Kong"!

24 - A diamond tattoo, original idea

Price: € 875,000

Minky van der Wurtzen is a South African model with the most expensive "tattoo" in the world.It is made up of 612 diamonds implanted in his skin by the creator of jewel Yair Shimansky.

23 - The magnetic floating bed, not really feet on the ground

Price: € 1,200,000

"The floating bed was designed to point the finger at gravity, an omnipresent force that dictates our lives here on earth.Let's ignore it: this floating bed seems to fall up rather than down, "said his designer, the architect Janjap Ruijssenaars.

22 - The Yvel mask, but what a nose!

Price: € 1,500,000

3608 black and white diamonds, a 18 -carat gold frame, and a slit to insert a N99 filter which offers a high level of protection.This is the most expensive mask in the world.He was designed by creator Isaac Levy and is now owned by a Chinese sponsor.About masks, we have already published a comparison of the best products.

21 - The Stuart Hughes Prestige HD Supreme Rose Edition, a dynamic painting

Price: € 2,000,000

Stuart Hughes is a follower of luxury computer products.He puts up in 2017 a TV that is pulled out of the game more by the blingbling side than by that of performance.With HD quality, this television is surrounded by pink gold and 48 diamonds.Special mention to the remote control with diamond keys.

20 - Leica 1923, enough to put the full view of it

Price: € 2,400,000

The most expensive camera ever sold dates from 1923.The originality of this object comes from the fact that it dates from before the marketing of the German brand.There are only 3 devices still in a state of this series of prototypes, which explains its price.

19 - 13 kg of the moon, a meteorite sold at gold prices

Price: € 2,500,000

No need to be astronaut to walk on the moon.It is possible to buy ends.The most expensive piece of the world in the world was put up for sale by the Christie’s house for 2.5 million euros.This is a meteorite found in the Sahara desert weighing 13 kg.

18 - The piano crystal, a unique piano of its kind

Price: € 3,220,000

Designed by Crystal Music Company (Netherlands), this work of art is entirely made of crystal.The piano crystal was presented for the first time to the public at the 2008 Olympic Games in Pekin with the performance of the pianist Lang Lang Lang.It was bought shortly after by an anonymous collector.

17 — La D&W Aural Pleasure de Hart Audio, le plaisir des yeux et des oreilles

Price: € 4,500,000

The most expensive enclosure in the world is English.Its look, which required more than 200 hours of work, evokes a golden ear form.Tannoy speakers deliver an impressive power with one of the best qualities of sound on the market.Logic at this price.

16-One-Cent Magenta, a stamp lusized in history

Price: € 9,200,000

This unique stamp was published in 1856 in the former British Guyana.Following a stamp shortage in the colony, the authorities decided to issue two provisional vignettes, including the One-Cent MANGETA.His uniqueness and history unleashed passions and in 2014, designer Stuart Weissman buys him for 9.5 m of dollars.He is now exhibited at the Washington Museum.

15-Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, Darkly classy car

Price: € 23,000,000

Long considered the most expensive car in the world, "the black car" of Bugatti was dethroned in June 2021 by the Rolls-Royce Boat Tail.Property of the Beyonce and Jay-Z couple, this 6.75-liter V12 at 571 horsepower will suggest that it was made to measure for these two music stars.The originality of the boat trail is its use.4 places and a chest allowing you to store ... your picnic!

14 - The Leicester codex, a book that does not go unnoticed

Price: € 25,800,000

The Leicester Codex was written in 1510 by Léonardo da Vinci.This 72 -page linen manuscript includes Léonard's thoughts, theories and observations on the world, such as water movement, fossils and the brightness of the.It was sold $ 30.8 million in 1994 to Bill Gates, who scanned him to share it with the greatest number.

13 - Carinsurance.com, domain name guaranteed to be the most expensive

Price: € 42,000,000

In 2010, Quinstreet, an online marketing and media company buys carinsurance.com for $ 49.7 million.This is the most expensive internet domain name in the world.

12 — iPhone 6 Falcon Supernova, ayez une coque solide

Price: € 44,500,000

The most expensive laptop in the world is not the latest iPhone!In 2014, a personalized iPhone 6 was presented to the public, the Falcon Supernova.Covered with 24 -carat gold and decorated by a pink diamond at the rear, this laptop also has an extremely efficient antivirus for the time (the only processor improvement to note, far from current smartphones).

11 - The least profitable royal marriage in history

Price: € 45,000,000

For the British review Business Insider, this marriage between Princess Diana and Prince Charles would have cost, taking into account inflation, more than 100,000,000 €.With an estimated dress at € 150,000 and no less than 27 pieces mounted, not surprising to see the note climbed as much.

10 - The graffiti diamonds hallucination, the ultimate watch

Price: € 55,000,000

The hallucination watch of the graffiti jeweler is made up of 100 carats of diamonds of different colors encrusted with a platinum bracelet.It is the founder of the brand, Laurence Graff, who is at the origin of the creation of the watch and who holds it.

9 - Everyday: The First 5000 Days, the most expensive digital work

Price: € 69,000,000

This work of art signed by the American artist Beeple has a very particular format, it is a JPEG file of 319 MB.It is therefore completely digital and presents 5,000 images of a moment of 5,000 different days of the artist's life.The transaction is also original since it was made in the form of a NFT, a means that allows you to authenticate a work of art in a digital way.

8 - BP Company, a new logo that falls into the water

Price: € 170,000,000

In order to change their brand image, BP Company commands a new logo which becomes the most expensive change of logo in history.The idea for the oil company is to be part of the ecological movement, arguing a greener and lasting energy.Unfortunately, shortly after, comes a black tide disaster.No luck !

7 - Pirates of the Caribbean, the film with a bigger budget

Cost: € 342,000,000

In 2011 released the 4th part of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga.It was the film that used the most syntheses and special effects for a record cost of 378 million euros.Postproduction cutting -edge techniques have enabled the production of an extraordinary feature film.

6 - Salvator mundi by Léonardo da Vinci, the most expensive false in history?

Price: € 378,000,000

"The amazing affair of the last Vinci", documentary broadcast on April 13, 2021 on France 5 launches a bomb.The most expensive table in the world would be a false.The fact remains that in 2017, this painting by De Vinci sold 378 million euros at auction and is today stored in a secret place.False buzz or reality?

5 - Airbus A380 of the Saudi Prince Al Waleed, a private jet without ejecting seat

Price: € 500,000,000

Its price is explained by the fact that this is a long-haulled plane refurbished in private jet.Enjoy a nice space of 500 m² with a spa, a throne, a transparent floor and even a stable for the modest sum of 500 million euros.This jet is held by the Prince of Saudi Arabia, Al Waleed Bin Talal.

4 - Lanai Island, the most expensive island in the world

Price: € 610,000,000

98 % owned by the businessman Larry Ellison, this 364 m² island is a real haven of peace.Located in Hawaii, the creator of Oracle and 8th world fortune built a real city there and makes it visit tourists from around the world.

3 - Antilia, the private residence which aims

Price: € 2,000,000

Property of the Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, this 34-storey skyscraper located in Mumbai is supposed to survive an earthquake of magnitude 8.0.It contains 3 helpers as well as a parking lot that can accommodate 160 cars.For 2 billion euros, it is the most expensive building sold to an individual.

2 - The History Supreme, a real ofni

Price: € 4,000,000

Designed by the British Stuart Hughes, this boat is a jewel alone with 100,000 kg of gold and platinum.It offers many surprises such as diamond wine glasses or a Tyrannosaure Rex bone statue.Amazing thing, its size is quite reduced (30 meters) compared to its competitors.But that has not discouraged its owner, Robert Kuok, the richest man in Malaysia.

1 - ISS, head in the stars

Price: € 83,500,000,000

It is simply the most expensive object of history in history.The international space station flies in orbit around the earth and welcomes many astronauts like French Thomas Pesquet.Its bill is $ 100 billion.

What is the most expensive object created by humans?

L’objet le plus cher jamais construit par l’homme est la Station Spatiale Internationale pour un montant de 100 milliards de dollars.

What is the most expensive work of art in the world?

L’œuvre d’art la plus chère est un tableau de Léonard de Vinci peint aux alentours de 1500. Le « Salvator Mundi » a été vendu à 378 millions d’euros.

What is the most expensive means of transport in the world?

Le moyen de locomotion le plus cher est un bateau privé, le History Supreme, vendu à 4 milliards de dollars.

What is the most expensive mask in the world?

Le masque de luxe de la marque Yvel est le masque le plus cher du monde avec son prix de 1,5 million d’euros.