
Windows 10, how to modify the names of the owner and the organization?

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Windows 10, how to modify the names of the owner and the organization?- Ginjfows 11, to find out everything

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Accueil / Actualités / Logiciels / Windows 10 / Windows 10, comment modifier les noms du propriétaire et de l’organisation ?Windows 10 - A propos de Windows Auteur : Jérôme GianoliDans Windows 10 30/01/2021 0

It is not easy once Windows 10 installed to modify certain information.This is for example true with the names of the registered owner and the organization.By default Microsoft uses the Microsoft account email address and leaves the organizational name.

This information is not crucial.To find them, just open the "About Windows" window.This is actually the “winver.exe” application to launch in Execut (Win+R).We find the version of Windows 10 installed, its construction and the names associated with the license and the organization if they exist.

Windows 10, personalized the names of the registered owner and the organization

If you want to update this last two information, a quick tour in the register allows.

Windows 10, comment modifier les noms du propriétaire et de l’organisation ?

Attention.The register is the spine of the operating system.Bad manipulation can have serious consequences going up to a crash and irreversible damage to the installation.We advise you to make a complete backup of your PC before making a change in the register

Windows 10 – Regedit

Once the operation is completed, it is necessary to access the system register by launching the register editor.

Windows 10 – Editeur du Registre

Then go to the following address:

Hkey_local_machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows Nt \ Currentversion

Under Windows 10, you can copy and paste this path in the address bar of the register to get to your destination quickly

Windows 10 – Editeur du Registre

Finally two specific channels you interest us, Registeredowner and Registeredorganization.In both cases, a double click will allow you to specify this information.Just fill in the "value data" field.

Windows 10 – Modification du RegistreWindows 10 – Modification du Registre

In our example "Jérôme" is used for the Régisteradowner and "Ginjfo" channel for the registered chain.Then validate by clicking on "OK" then closing the register editor.

Windows 10 – A propos de Windows

Now "About Windows" (Winver.exe) must send you this two information.There is no need to restart the PC for these changes take effect.

registre Windows 10 2021-01-30Jérôme Gianoli

About Jérôme Gianoli

Journaliste issu d’une formation scientifique.Aime l'innovation, la High Tech et le développement durable.Soucieux du respect de la vie privée.

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