
Windows 11: Are we installing or not?|The technologist |Le Mag |The daily - Chicoutimi

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  • Windows 11: Are we installing or not?|The technologist |Le Mag |The daily - Chicoutimi
Windows 11: Are we installing or not?|The technologist |Le Mag |The daily - Chicoutimi
  • By electronics-phone
Steeve Fortin The daily newspaper Windows 11 is refined and the whole is graphically very successful.Share Chronicle / The new Microsoft operating system, Windows 11, has been available since October 5.With this version, Microsoft does not reinvent sliced bread, but still offers a much more refined experience and adapted to the reality of today's users.The installation of Windows 11, however, requires a relatively recent computer, which greatly restricts its large -scale deployment.At least for the moment !

Windows 11 : On installe ou pas ? | Le technologue | Le Mag | Le Quotidien - Chicoutimi